Reader for ibooks mac

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And then there was a 'kindle reader' for older OS X versions on PPC hardware.

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The hardware and software of an iBook G4 portable with 10.5.8 Leopard installed is rather obsolete in the ibook apps era.Īre any of your ebooks from 3 to 5 years ago? With an obsolete setup, even that could be a stretch. There are Support pages directly about iTunes questions, specifications, and answers in addition, the iBooks discussions area may (or not) give additional exposure to this iBooks 1.0 question. There are limits on what G4/G5 computers that run in Leopard 10.5.8, and there are minimum system requirements in effect over the Apps store, that say you can't even get content from there unless you have Snow Leopard 10.6.8 installed, so that means an 'intel-architecture' later model Mac that isn't a PowerPC.Ī few other readers may still be available, but other branded ones won't generally work with others ebooks. The iTunes player in a PPC G4 iBook computer may not be new enough for ibook branded e-books from the iTunes Store online library source directly those acquired by an intel-mac with later OS X probably won't work. At least you don't want a Yes or No answer.

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Did you acquire the iTunes library content through use of an intel-based Mac running OS X 10.6.x or later? If so they probably won't work.